Filtering & Sorting

A configurable pagelist is the basis for every navigation. This template illustrates the main concepts of filtering, sorting and searching in Automad pagelists.

Bravo / Post
July 2018
This post uses linked images from Alpha / Project as teaser and slideshow images. Therefore check ...

Bravo / Project
June 2018
This page uses the other Project template of the Bravo theme. As with Bravo / Post, all shown ...

Alpha / Post
May 2018
This is the teaser section of the Post template of the Alpha theme. Upload images to show up in the ...

Alpha / Project
May 2018
The Project template provides an easy way to present your design projects or products including a ...

May 2018
This is the Alpha theme's Blog template. All pages created below will show up in the pagelist as ...

April 2018
Like the landing page, this page uses a Portfolio template - here the one of the Bravo Theme. Check ...

April 2018
This is a basic Automad tutorial theme using the Bulma CSS Framework. You can use the templates ...

Source /packages/tutorial/filter_sort.php
<?php defined('AUTOMAD') or die('Direct access not permitted!'); ?>
Since the header markup is the same in all templates, 
it is stored in a separate snippet file and therefore can be reused
across multiple templates.
<@ snippets/header.php @>
    <# The top navigation is included here. #>
    <@ snippets/navbar.php @>
    <section class="section">
      Since also the content markup is the same in every template,
      it is included here as a reusable snippet. 
      <@ snippets/content.php @>
    <section class="section">
      As a next step, the pagelist is configured.
      Note that query string parameters get used as parameter values to make the pagelist
      controllable by a menu.
      <@ newPagelist {  
        filter: @{ ?filter }, 
        search: @{ ?search },
        sort: @{ ?sort | def ('date desc') }
      } @>
      A simple filter menu lets the user filter the paglist dynamically.
      <div class="field is-grouped is-marginless is-block-mobile">
        <p class="control is-marginless">
          <div class="field has-addons">
            <p class="control">
              The first button in the menu resets the filter.
              Note that the 'queryStringMerge' method is used here for the href attribute value to only 
              modify the filter parameter within an existing query string without resetting other options. 
              href="?<@ queryStringMerge { filter: false } @>" 
              class="button is-info<@ if not @{ ?filter } @> is-active<@ end @>">
            The 'filters' object contains all available tags of pages in the pagelist.
            The 'foreach' statement can be used to iterate over that list to create a filter button
            for every tag.
            <@ foreach in filters @>
              <p class="control">
                <# Note the 'queryStringMerge' method. #>
                href="?<@ queryStringMerge { filter: @{ :filter } } @>" 
                <# The 'if' condition can be used to test whether a button is active. #>
                class="button is-info<@ if @{ ?filter } = @{ :filter } @> is-active<@ end @>"
                  <# The ':filter' runtime variable contains the current tag within the loop. #>
                  @{ :filter }
            <@ end @>
        <# The sorting menu. #>
        <p class="control">
          <div class="field has-addons">
            <p class="control">
              <# The concept of creating the sorting menu is the same as for the filters. #>
              href="?<@ queryStringMerge { sort: 'date desc' } @>" 
              class="button is-info<@ if not @{ ?sort } or @{ ?sort } = 'date desc' @> is-active<@ end @>">
                <span class="icon is-small">
                  <i class="fas fa-sort-numeric-down" aria-hidden="true"></i>
            <p class="control">
              href="?<@ queryStringMerge { sort: 'title asc' } @>" 
              class="button is-info<@ if @{ ?sort } = 'title asc' @> is-active<@ end @>"
                <span class="icon is-small">
                  <i class="fas fa-sort-alpha-up" aria-hidden="true"></i>
        <# A normal form is used to create the keyword search field. #>
        <p class="control">
          <form action="" method="get">
            Note that the input name can be used as variable. 
            For example 'name="search"' will add a query string parameter 'search' on submission
            which can be used as '@{ ?search }' (see value attribute).
            value="@{ ?search }"
      <br />
      <# The pagelist markup. #>
      <div class="columns is-multiline is-8 is-variable">
        <@ foreach in pagelist @>
          While iterating over the pages,  
          the page context changes automatically with every iteration.
          Therefore, the normal page variables can simply be used to 
          reference the content of the current page within the loop.
          <div class="column is-one-quarter">
            <hr />
            <div class="field">
              <span class="is-size-5 has-text-weight-bold">@{ title }</span>
              <br />
              <span class="is-size-7">
                Pipe functions can be used to modify the content of a variable.
                Here the date string is formatted to 'F Y' (month and year).
                @{ date | dateFormat ('F Y') }
            <div class="field is-size-6">
              Multiple pipe functions can be chained. 
              Here, all tags get stripped before shortening the content to 100 characters.
              @{ textTeaser | 100 }
            <a href="@{ url }" class="button is-light is-small">More</a>
        <@ end @>
<# As the last step, the footer markup is included. #>
<@ snippets/footer.php @>
Made with Automad
Released under the MIT license
© 2024 by Marc Anton Dahmen